Ecton Village

Audit 2022/2023

Audit 2022/2023

Agar 2022/2023 - Part 2 Certificate of Exemption - Uploaded

Completed and Signed Agar 2022 23 form - Uploaded

Section 1 Annual Governance Statement - Uploaded 

Section 2 Accounting Statements - Uploaded

External Auditors report - Notification of Exempt Status - Uploaded 

Internal Auditors Conclusion Report 2022/2023 - Uploaded

David Cross Grant Accounts 2022/2023 - Uploaded

Accounts - Payments and Receipts to 31.3.23 - Uploaded

Bank Reconciliation to 31st March 2023 - Uploaded

Playing Field Accounts 2022/2023 - Uploaded

S137 Expenditure 2022/2023 - Uploaded

Asset Register to 31.03.2023 - Uploaded

Notice of Exercise of Public Rights (Exempt Authority) - Uploaded

Vat Return to 31st March 2023 - Uploaded 

Audit Documents