Audit 2018/2019
Click here to access the files relating to the 2018/19 audit. The files include the following 4 sections.
- Section 1 Annual Governance Statement
- Section 2 Accounting Statements
- Section 2 - Certificate of Exemption
- Section 3 External Auditor Certificate - Notification of Exempt Status 2019
- Section 4 Internal Auditors Conclusion and Internal Auditors Report
- Explanation of Variances Page 1
- Explanation of Variances Page 2
- Accounts - Payments and Receipts 2018/2019
- David Cross Grant Accounts 2018/2019
- Playing Field Accounts 2018/2019
- Bank Reconciliation
- Asset Register
- Financial Internal Control
- Section 137 Expenditure 2018 / 2019
- Notice of Public Rights and Publication - 17th June to 26th July 2019
30 June 2019
- certificate_of_exemption_ecton_parish_council.pdf
- annual_internal_audit_report.pdf
- annual_governance_statement_2018_2019.pdf
- accounting_statements_2018_2019.pdf
- notice_of_public_rights_and_publication.pdf
- accounts_payments_and_receipts_to_31_03_2019.pdf
- david_cross_grant_18_to_19.xls
- playing_field_accounts_18_to_19.xls
- bank_reconciliation_31_3_19.pdf
- internal_control_by_alistair_mccarter_24_4_2019.pdf
- s_137_expenditure_2019.doc
- assets_2019-1.doc
- explanation-of-variances-2018-19_page_1.pdf
- explanation-of-variances-2018-19_page_2.pdf