Parish Council
About Us
The Parish Council is the first tier of local government and exists to represent the interests of the whole of the parish of Ecton.
When at full capacity the full Council consists of nine members, all members live within the Parish.
Current members of the Parish Council
Councillor Ian Whittaker (Co-opted 28th Sept 2021) - Chairman Since May 24th 2022
Councillor Joe Fernley - Vice Chairman since 21st May 2024
Councillor David Dicks - Noticeboard contact
Councillor Chrystel Adams (Co-opted Tuesday 21st May 2024)
Councillor Stella Bell (Co-opted Tuesday 28th March 2023)
Councillor Nigel Bond
Councillor Simon Grisewood (Co-opted May 18th May 2021)
Councillor Alistair McCarter
Councillor Ash Sandhu (Co-opted September 24th 2024)
Councillors are elected every four years or co-opted.
All current members of Ecton Parish Council are members of the local community and live in Ecton village. They all joined the PC as they want to do something positive for the village and want to make a difference by influencing decisions that affect your parish. Parish Councillors are all volunteers who give up their time freely to work on your behalf , serving to improve the quality of life and the local environment of Ecton.
The Clerk
Mrs Shirley Wong - The Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer is the only Council employee. The Clerk is normally the first point of contact with the Parish Council from the electors point of view.
Shirley is a fully qualified Clerk and has obtained her Cilca qualification, which is a National Qualification for Parish Clerks. Shirley has sixteen years experience working as a Parish Clerk / Responsible Financial Officer since 2008.
The Parish Council strives to improve the appearance and safety of the Parish of Ecton. The Council has direct responsibility for the bus shelters, shrine, street lighting and the management of the playing field for the benefit of all residents. It is the responsibility of the Parish Council to represent the interests of the whole community. Councillors have a responsibility to keep up to date with local issues.
The Parish Council is consulted on a range of planning and highway proposals that affect the parish.
The Parish Council raises money through a local tax (precept) for projects that benefit its residents.
If you have any questions that you would like answered, or want to share any views with the Council or even spot any problems that need reporting in the Parish, please contact the Clerk. Mrs Shirley Wong in the first instance.
On this website you can find information about the Ecton Parish Council, it's history, members, and download council documents such as minutes and agendas.
Parish Council meetings are held 6 times per year, Bi-monthly on the fourth Tuesday of odd numbered months (Jan, March, May, etc.).Meetings will start at 7.30pm and are normally held in the Village Hall.
Meeting dates for the new financial year are as follows:
2024 - 21st May - Annual Meeting of the Parish and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (Election of the Chair), 23rd July, 3rd September (Extra Ordinary Meeting) 24th September & 26th November.
2025 - 28th January, 26th March and 27th May - Annual Meeting of the Parish and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (Election of the Chair),
The next Ordinary Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 24th September starting at 7.30pm at Ecton Village Hall. Please see below for a meeting agenda. All are welcome to attend.
Contact Details for the Parish Council